- Transplant House
- Mission – Transplant House will provide affordable, convenient, and safe housing for transplant patients, and for patients who are immune-suppressed or immune-compromised due to transplants or other medical issues.
- 2019 – They would like software that can efficiently check in patients and also check them out (like a hotel) but that has other capabilities we can use to bill Medicaid and keep good records for statistical reporting
- 2014 – New website including a community forum and resources that allows past and current transplant patients to interact, share knowledge of the transplant process, and create a stronger transplant community. The transplant process is a difficult one full of information that people often “don’t know what they know”. The only way they typically find this information is through other patients that have gone through it before or are going through it. We are in desperate need of a way to allow our patients to interact in a safe, comfortable environment.